Everything starts from pronunciation

Voicebooks Get them into the habit of listening! Bracciodieta & Green

How do you learn most of the words in your native language? By reading or by listening? Presumably by listening, and only later do you learn to spell them.

The average Italian student first comes across a new word in a reading text. That forces them to “invent” the pronunciation, but without having a clear idea of the sounds of English. That’s a recipe for disaster!

So here to the rescue is voicebook.cloud, a revolutionary new platform which gives teachers a diagnostic tool which explains what exactly their students are thinking when they listen, and gives students a fun learning task where they can explore the language through listening, using audio that is just above their current level, instead of being tortured with a comprehension test on what they heard just twice (and of which they understood nothing).

From primary schools (age 7 and up) to universities and lifelong learning, nearly everyone needs help with their listening skills!

Sign up at https://www.voicebook.cloud and we will help you set up a trial class free of charge for your students. Please also visit our site at https://www.voicebooks.cloud to find out more about why we do what we do!

Domenico Bracciodieta e Anthony Green

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